On Her Own Wayve: Meet Cole Lawson
Around the world, there are women starting businesses,turning their passions into profitable endeavors, and inspiring other women along the way. Women uplifting and shining a light on other women is what we stand for in this segment and this week we’re featuring poet, herbalist, and personal chef Cole Lawson.
At A Glance Questions:
What book are you reading at the moment? I’m currently reading two books, Yamas & Niyamas and The China Study.
What’s your favorite meal to cook for someone? My favorite meal to cook changes often with the season. What I’m injoying cooking for people at the moment is a tie between a jerk mushroom steak with a rum glazed pineapple and spaghetti squash with my heart roots infused tomato sauce and faux ‘meat’balls.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Be here now. That is the best advice I’ve ever been given. All the joys of life are happening right now in the present moment. Being here now is the only way to hold on to what is true and beautiful— us all existing, here , now, together, no matter how messy that gets. There is so much love in the present moment. We often miss it thinking about the past or dreaming of the future when in reality it is all happening now. The past, the present, and the future are all right now. So being here now is where all the magic happens because I, we, truly can’t be any where else. Our awareness and focus can be else where and thats usually where the problem starts. Being every where but here, now, in the moment, in yourself. So when ever I get anxious I always ground myself with that mantra. Be here now.
Photo From Cole Lawson
Feature Questions:
A+P: I can’t remember how, but I first saw you on Twitter and your food looks SO delicious. How did you get started?
CL: Thank you soul much. I am truly in gratitude. I think my life kind of set me up for this over time. All the things I’ve learned and have grown through, rooted me in one thing, my health as a means of revolution. My health as a means of ritual, power, speaking, up, taking care, and giving back. 5 years ago when I started a journey of being more health conscious I didn’t understand how my body worked or what to look for when making food choices. As I learned more about what I needed to maintain balance in my physical and subtle body I dove deeper into the plants that were placed here with us. I started seeing food and plants as medicine when I realized I was no longer depressed or anxious and the only thing I was doing different was what I want eating and using as far as plant medicine.
A+P: What do you love most about your career?
CL: I love being able to make health accessible, eat, and GOOD! So many people think they can be plant-based because the food is bland but I’ve changed that in every space where my food has been. Also, with me you know you’re not only getting good foods but I always add healing elements. I love helping people find their passion for food, health, and learning to love their bodies through food. It really is a love language.
A+P: What inspired you to start using THC and CBD in your cooking?
CL: Honestly, I had the pleasure of working at Americas first cannabis cafe before the pandemic and that’s where I was inspired. I wanted a way for professionals and those who might not want to smell like weed but want to be high, have a way to do so easily. Yes, you can buy edibles from the store but you know what’s better that packaged cookies? Infused spaghetti or a homemade infused peach cobbler.
A+P: In addition to being an incredible chef, you’re also a poet and life coach. How have your other artistic passions influenced, if at all, your cooking?
CL: They all intertwine in a way I believe cooking is a form of art. When I couldn’t find the words I started telling the stories through my food. Then using that as a means to coach people so to speak on how to live a healthier life and be more resilient. From the moment I gather the ingredients all the way to plating and presentation i’m expressing a poem. The best part of about it is its a poem you can see, taste, and feel internally, that’s magic.
A+P: I love your philosophy on doing everything with intention. How has that impacted the way you prepare meals?
CL: In all ways. I believe everything is vibration to include your food. The intention and vibration of the person growing, preparing, and cooking is so important. I have to be mindful of what energy I bring into my kitchen because that is also ingested. You can tell the difference in something made with love and something thrown together. Food holds vibrations and holding positive intentions when i’m preparing the food I believe not only honors myself and others, but honors the plants for their sacrifice to our nourishment. They are living and breathing after all.
A+P: There’s so many heavy feelings in the world right now between the pandemic, police brutality, and more that has really affected the day to day routine for most. Stress plays a part in how we eat and how our bodies process what we’re eating. Are there any recommendations you have for breaking fast?
CL: Yes, I always recommend breaking fast with gratitude first. Its easy to get lost in all the bad if you never focus on the good. Breaking fast with gratitude puts you in a space of abundance to see all that is good despite. Following a glass room temp of water with key lime to help jumpstart your metabolism and flush toxins, and a bowl a fresh fruit topped with your superfoods like hemp and chia seeds, goji berries, etc. It important to eat light in the morning to provide you with clear energy.
A+P: Where can we find you, more of your work, and your rates?
CL: You can find me on Instagram @eyeamcolelawson. My website just officially launched so for the latest information, click here and you’ll have access to all my sites and rates. As of now the best way to reach me is via email by clicking here!